The Rottweiler - Breed Information and Advice
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The Rottweiler - Breed Info


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Before you purchase or adopt, please consider the following:
Please scroll the entire page, there is a book listing, pictures, breed information and more below.

SCRR is dedicated to the Rottweiler breed. It is our goal to find loving, permament homes for abandoned Rottweilers in our area and also to educate the public on the true nature of this affectionate breed.

Before you decide to purchase or adopt a Rottweiler, please consider the following:

1. Your lifestyle. Are you away from home for long periods of time? Do you travel to places that your Rottie could not go with you?

Rottweilers are highly social dogs, needing contact with their humans constantly. Rotties will 'shadow' their mom/dad, following them from room to room in the house and never being more a few feet from you at any given time. They will lean on you when they sit next you and will even sit on your feet if possible. A Rottie will prefer to sleep with you or at the very least next to your side of the bed. They are very a 'clingy' breed.

2. Your family. Is your family going to expand in the near future? Are your children 'dog wise'?

Rotties are wonderful family pets, but they can be overly excited and might accidentally knock over a very young toddler in their happiness to be playing. They will view your family as their 'pack' and act accordingly. This includes occasional 'herding' of the kids. They will nudge running youngsters in the direction they desire to send them... usually toward you.

3.Your expectations. What you you looking for in a dog?

Rottweilers are large, powerful dogs with strongly protective instincts. They will defend their 'territory' and their pack (family). They are also very loving, and at times can be very willful dogs. This is an intelligent breed that requires training and activity for stimulation. Rottweilers should have basic obedience training and be expected to behave according to their training.

They can become destructive out of boredom and will push the limit to see what they can get away with. A Rottie will sometimes do exactly what you just told him/her not to do just to see if they can. They are usually strong willed but very eager to please and are very upset if they displease you. A harsh word will send them cowering into the corner until you call them out to let them off the hook.

4. Male or Female? Do you know the difference in temperament?

Male Rotties are more protective of territory and can be more strong willed. Females are more protective of family. These are general traits, as each dog is an individual these traits may not always be the case.

Please do your homework.

The AKC has a program available on their website to help you select a dog breed that will fit your family and lifestyle. Similar programs are available all over the web.

This is Titan, one of our success stories!

His temperament was so wonderful that he is living with several Pomeranian brothers and sisters, a Boston Terrier brother, a squirrel, several horses and multiple cats.

Yet he is very protective of his family and territory and will defend them if he feels threatened.

  The following information should be considered before purchasing or adopting a Rottweiler.


The Rottweiler has a massive, powerful body. Muscular and athletic, it has a broad head and rounded forehead. The muzzle is well-developed with a scissors bite. Its eyes are dark with an expression of goodwill and loyalty. The ears are triangular, carried forward, and its nose is wide and black. The lips are black and inside the mouth it is dark-colored. The tail is customarily docked. Often born with rear dewclaws, these are usually removed when the tail is docked. The coat is short, hard and thick. It is black with brown markings on the cheeks and muzzle, paws and legs. A red color with brown markings also exists. There is a deficiency in the hair gene making the coloring a lighter red. Rottweiler bitches often have large litters; 12 puppies are not uncommon.


The Rottweiler is calm, trainable, courageous, and devoted to their owner and family. They have a reliable temperament. Protective, he will defend his family fiercely. These are strong fighters that seem immune to pain. Serious, steady and confident. Firm and careful training is essential for this breed, otherwise you may end up with a very powerful and overly aggressive dog.  Yet they can, with proper handling, also be loyal, loving and very rewarding companions. They require owners who can handle their massive size. The Rottweiler is a natural guard dog with a mellow temperament. They are highly intelligent and have proven their worth beyond question in police, military, and customs work over many centuries. Because of their size, training should begin fairly young - while the dog is still small, and great care should be taken to ensure that the dog is not made vicious. This breed needs a lot of companionship and socialization to be truly happy. They can be aggressive with other dogs and should be kept on leashes in public places. When the Rottweiler is consistently brought up and trained, it will be a good playmate for the children. It will accept cats and other household pets as long as the dog has had a positive experience with them while it was young. Friends and relatives of the family are normally enthusiastically welcomed. Strangers can get no further than the sidewalk. The breed does well in competitive obedience, schutzhund, and tracking.

Height, Weight

Height: 24-27 inches (61-69 cm.) Bitches 22-25 inches (56-63 cm.)
Weight: Dogs 95-130 pounds (43-59 kg.) Bitches 85-115 pounds (38-52 kg.)

Health Problems

This breed is susceptible to ACL damage. Prone to hip dysplasia. Tends to snore and overeat. Also prone to entropion (narrowing of the slit between the eyelids).

Living Conditions

The Rottweiler will do okay in an apartment if it is sufficiently exercised. They are relatively inactive indoors and a small yard will be sufficient.


The Rottweiler needs plenty of exercise. You can't give these robust dogs too much work or exercise; they thrive on it. Running in the woods and in open country makes them very happy and they have no desire to wander from you. Swimming or running beside a bicycle are perfect activities for this dog and it also loves retrieving a ball.

Life Expectancy

About 10-12 years.


The smooth, glossy coat is easy to groom. Brush with a firm bristle brush and bathe only when necessary. This breed is an average shedder.


The Rottweiler is probably descended from the Italian Mastiff. During the Middle Ages, it was used as a herd dog. It was bred in the German town of Rottweil in Wurttemberg. Practically extinct in the 1800's, the breed population began a comeback in the early twentieth century due to the efforts of enthusiastic breeders centered in Stuttgart. Some of the Rottweilers talents include: tracking, herding, watchdogging, guarding, police work, carting, competitive obedience, and schutzhund. 

Rottie Reference Section

Rottweiler Books

Rottweilers For Dummies®
How to Train Your Rottweiler (Tr-104)
Rottweilers : Everything About Purchase, Care, Nutrition, Breeding, Behavior, and Training (Complete Pet Owners Manual)
Training Your Rottweiler
The Complete Idiot's Guide to Rottweilers (Complete Idiot's Guides)
The Rottweiler : Centuries of Service
Basic Guide to the Rottweiler : Written by Breeders Who Know the Breed-- For Those Who Are Interested in Learning More About the Rottweiler
Book of the Rottweiler/H-1035
Dog Owner's Guide to the Rottweiler
The Essential Rottweiler
Dr. Ackerman's Book of the Rottweiler
For the Love of Rottweilers
The New Rottweiler : Essential Reading for Owners, Breeders and Judges
The Rottweiler
A New Owner's Guide to Rottweilers

Please do your homework before adding a new member to your family.

Below is a link to the American Rottweiler Club's Rottweiler Breed Information page. Please go there to gather more information about this wonderful breed.

American Rottweiler Club Breed Information

This is Boo Bear, another adoptee!

Boo is a very large male who now lives with a Rottie / Collie mix sister, and a human little brother.

He is very protective of his yard and will ward off any stranger, but his toddler brother bathes him!

A great example of the loving and protective nature of this great breed!

This is Loki, a wonderful boy who got a second chance!

Loki came to us at 10 months old after spending 6 months recovering from being run over by a car. His pelvis and 3 of his legs were broken.

After such a rough start in life he deserved so much more!

He has recovered and now has a young male Rottie brother, Odin - also an SCRR rescue dog - to play with and a great family who love him to pieces!

Give A Rescued Rottie a fighting chance! Donate to your local Rottweiler rescue group.